Welcome to Manuka whānau we are a class of year 6 and 7 at Oruaiti school in the Far North, NZ. Our teacher is Mrs Wihongi.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Monday, November 23, 2020
The bush walk
Our class Totara was watching old movies from Rimu and the one that i'm going to tell you is about the bush walk.
So Rhiannon, Touaka, Karma and Ahlia decided they want to have bush walk so went to the bush and when they got all settled Rhiannon and Touaka needed to go toilet so they went too far and got lost. Then Ahlia and Karma got scared and climbed up a tree and karma whipped out a compass but then they realized that it's useless so they put it away. While Touaka and Rhiannon made it back Ahlia and Karma got down the tree they met up and started eating bugs then they left the bush and NEVER SPLIT UP!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
meanings of words
meaning of words
W.A.L.T read and understand (vocab)
Redesigned it means it has been re made.
Eliminate it means that you have killed or captured something.
Canister is a cylinder that holds gas and what not.
Humane means dies instantly without pain.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Monday, November 9, 2020
Yoshi explanation
Yoshi explanation
Yoshi is a fitness game that our senior P.E teachers taught during P.A.L, P.A.L stand for phisical activity leader.
What you need
You need a two hoops a reasonable size space for running around and a even number of kids so you get even teams for playing.
how to play
You play by getting your even teams and put them on each side of the play space. Two hoops diangle on each side.When the reef yells yoshi you run to the other teams hoop and who evers team that gets to the other side quicker wins. But you can get over to the other side without the reef yelling yoshi you try not to get caught or tug if you do stand still and wait for a team mate to grab your hand and bring you back. Tag people that are not on your team but you can only tag them if there on your teams side.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Monday, November 2, 2020
Record bowls.
Record bowls.
- first you have to get a record.
- After that you put the oven on 160 degrees.
- Then wait to it starts to melt and then put you oven mits on.
- Furthermore you take it out with your mits on because it hot.
- Then you put it on a glass bowl and then shape your hand as a fist and the down in the middle and then it look like a flower.
Friday, October 30, 2020
Waitangi trip
On Wednesday the class travelled to a trip to Waitangi museum we all got there by car pooling and as soon as we got there we had morning tea.
I got there with uncle Chaz, Malikah and Daisy the car trip took one hour long well it didn't feel like it did it felt like 30 minutes.
The tour guides came and gave us a sticker to put so they know that were the class kids after that she took us in and we walked over to the bag cage and put our bags in there.
After that we walked through this hall with all the people that travelled over to NZ after the maori got there.
Furthermore we got to the New Zealands old or first flag either way its still kind of the same thing.
Also the pakihas and the maori started trading for ages then the pakiha started stealing and breaking the land and then the other countrys started calling NZ the hell hole.
Then we tramped up a hill to get to the top were some people sign a form then we made our first picture signature.
Then half of the class walked over to a special marae that kupe went to ages ago.
Finally the waka the waka can fit eighty people and it was called Ngatokimatawhaorua a big waka needs a big name.
On the way back a baby got bitten by a eel.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Friday, October 23, 2020
Bike track explanation
The new bike track
Bike track. Our school is looking at buying a new bike track and this is going to tell you about it.
Why we need a bike track
Furthermore on this subject I will tell you why we need a bike track. Because riding a bike can do all sorts of good things, including releasing stress , whole body workout, flexibility and it can give you a better mind set.
Who would use it
Now who would use it I know I would use but if there are little kids we need little size tracks and big ones for the big kids and a middle one just in case.
But we also need the right material for the ground to ride on because if we crashed on asphalt or concrete you will be badly grazed or cut but soft dirt gravel will be a life saver.Also the school would have to buy a lot more medical gear.
Safety everybody needs safety even professionals need it and the safety im talking about is helmets, elbow pads, knee pads and wrist pads.
Thank you
Now thank you for listening to my explanation about our school's bike track that we want/need, you could also come use our bike track if we do get one.
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Manuka tea
Making Manuka tea
First we got the tea pot then and cups.
While I was getting the tea pot and cups the other team was collecting manuka.
When we all got back and met up again we soaked the manuka for 10 minutes.
Monday, October 12, 2020
Taupo Debretts
Taupo Debretts
On the holiday I went to the hot pool because me, my mum, Skyla, Anja and Jack were all bored at the new motel and the hot pools was called Taupo Debretts because it is in Taupo. We got a private spa as well, and we got there by car. There was three hydra slides two fast ones and one slow one. I went down all three of them 3 times and got stung in the armpit by a wasp in the orange fast one.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Lockies Kaka myth
Lockies Kaka myth W.A.L similes
The Kaka bird is cunning, mischievous and also vain and this is how the Kaka bird got its yellow spots on the side of its head.
It started like this, one sunny, misty and moist morning every thing sounded squishy. There was a kaka that thought he was pretty and that no one would hunt him. But one day a spear went flying past him and they yelled “come here you ugly bird”. Then he went and hid and he got away. But the thing that they said was the most hurtful thing he’s felt. So when he got down he was angry so he was looking for more birds to steal more feathers and he saw a Yellowhead bird. Then he ripped the the yellow feathers off and put them on his cheeks. That is how they got yellow cheeks.He now was as pretty as a roseola and fluffy like a scruffy dog.
Friday, July 31, 2020
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
28/7/20 Lockies fraction problem
I took ⅜ of pizza, connor 1 took and cory took 1/8 how much would i have left?
Monday, July 27, 2020
My Speech
Hi there I’m going to tell you an extraordinary topic and it’s to show how to explain and express everybody's language in person.
The most amazing part is you can easily figure out the person's personality and then you can get to know them better. For example you can meet a random person and then you try to focus on their outside appearance. You can happily see if you want to be friends with them or something else. Because it is a good thing to find friends or relations.
Furthermore on the subject you're probably wondering how to figure outside and inside appearance. It’s easy, you just have to focus on it more than usual. For example you could meet up with someone you don’t know that much and use the techniques I told you about.
To follow you up on this subject, I’m about to tell you which is called expressing yourself properly it will get you better places in life unless you have a bad personality. Working on your personality is difficult. You just have to be with good people to get good places. Even if you're different just be yourself it’s ok.
On the other hand I don't want you to make you feel like you have to change because you don't have to. Be yourself and if you want to know more places to meet new people. These are my suggestions: tech, school, job and parties. All would work.
An important rule is you have to stay confident when speaking to somebody. Because some people might struggle with that and i'm going to help. Talking is important because it’s how people communicate but being confident is essential to talking and working on it is an excellent decision. Try reading to an animal and practise on stuff you are not too good at.
For instance I used to be shy but then i stopped being shy because it’s not bad talking, cause like I explained before it will get you good places. That's why I talk heaps aloud for good reasons like to make people laugh or to tell them interesting things or great information to them to succeed.
In conclusion my speech had told you to find and figure out peoples or your own personality.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Zeak the red stag
Here's mine

Deep in the mighty aoteroa bush there was a red stag named Zeak poutu te Atukura Clifford. Every animal thinks he's exetremly awesome because he has twelve points on his antlers and he's the proper king. Also he's my cousin because he has the same last name Poutu te Atukura Clifford and by the way my name is Lockie Poutu te Atukura Clifford. Also I'm a soldier and I'm here to tell you a story of when i was young. Back in the old days in 1467 while the bush war 67 was happening since 1400 the bush's kept having wars over all the hangis. Now leats get to the point when i was young in in the war the other bush was winning and i was still young and only had small antlers so i could not do much. But my cousin was only just the king last week. But i saw this other little deer with a broken leg so i took her to my tent and healed her she was wondering why i did not kill her. I exclamed to her that " i feel the same way" and thats how i became the future king yup i am now the king. Because my cousin died in the 2002 war. and the little deer became the queen everybody lived happily ever after.
Monday, June 29, 2020
describing a lemon
- Smell to me lemons smell sour and bitter
- feel also it feels like sort of hard and squishy and including a bit of juice it's kinda like a peach but not fuzzy
- look it looks like a bright yellow bouncy
- taste Wow that tastes like a fuzzy sweet peach on my tounge and tingles my jaw
- hear when i snapped the lemon off the branch it sounded like shaking a weak spring tree
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
The school kit poems from fielding intermediate
Did you know that we got the school kit today.
Here's the one i got
I think it says
my happy steering the car explore
the loud noises surrounded the air taunga
a city of wonder and excitement place
hour after hour counted up to seven mahere
family waiting in the city excited journey
the windy and strait excited roads ara
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Thursday, May 21, 2020
the monarch butterflies
when i watched the butterfly video the scenery was stunning it was like a jungle with alll sorts of amazing creatures like the butterfly .I saw all the butterflies on the bark and logs there was 140 million of them or even more that's crazy don't you reckon?
what i heard
I heard all the butterflies singing a beautiful song like they were in a band it was pretty great to hear. The noise of their wings was unique sound for wings. If you ever encounter one of these noises your a lucky person, i would like to hear it .
what they do to live
They eat milkweed and they sleep on branches all bunched up together so they can stay warm, warmth makes them live the cold kills them so they're pretty cautious of the cold. There migration is a pretty insane thing they travel for ages and only some do it to die well not potentially but some wings cant take it.
facts about the butterfly
Did you know they have slow motion clappin wings so there power in there body swoosh down and bring then down to make them rise. In the U.S.A they travel 3000 miles every year! They first arrived in Australia in 1871.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
pig hunting in the windy rain
Thursday, May 7, 2020
about kuaka gulls facts
- The gull use material from plants for their nest instead of the other birds
- Instead of having their nests up the tree they have theirs next to the water
- Did you know if humans get too close to the gulls nest they dive bomb them
- Did you know they can travel to so many places without eating at all
- Did you know the gull goes away from the sulpher bay and heads to the fresh
- Did you know there migration is a massive travel it’s 11 600 km it’s crazy
- The gull is protected from D.O.C because you have to ask permission to see
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Baby Olympics
Thursday, April 23, 2020
my first pig jaw with tusks!!
only old sign so we headed deeper down with the dogs and they were chilling. So we headed a bit further down to the next wallow and ate a bit of our sandwiches. That we packed with us and then we walked up the ridge next to us. Which was super step it took like 30 minutes to get up and walked.
along the ridge line and down again and we meet up at a long long river and walked. Along it for ages until we found like a pool sort of thing it was looking like a pretty cool swimming hole. For us to swim in but there was some big daddy eels in there and we had no togs and we were hunting not swimming so we walked up the side creek. For about an hour we walked up the left side of the dip and we heard the dogs barking.
So we ran and ran the pig was holding on and not squealing but soon it started to let some squeals out. Then i got there dad was holding the back legs of the pig and dad handed me the knife and i shoulder stuck it 3 times and it didn't die. So while the dogs were holding the pig i got some of the dogs off but tac stayed on for some reason and i turned the pig around and stuck in the. Heart and then it finally died it and there was a wasp major a wasp nest came out of the ground and me and my dad got stung heaps i got stung 6 times and my dad got stung 8 times and we both toughed it out.
The pig was white and we dragged the pig over to a rock and took a photo of the pig and it was my first pig jaw because my dad cut it out and gave it to me because there like trophies and the jaw was gnarly. As man so we walked back to the bike with the jaw in the backpack made it home had sprite with ice cream. Had a shower and put the jaw on the jaw shelf in the shed/man cave it was a good hunt.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
fern flat pottery
we did some pottery with them we made pigs with clay
- firstly we made pinch pots and stuck them together with wet toothbrush's and pat around the top then we joined them together
- secondly we did the nose the nose was really easy because all we had to do was make a cylinder a little one and stick it on the pigs face were ever you wanted to put your face try put it on a normal place to do it so i dosent look silly
Friday, March 6, 2020
the dead kiwi
So here's a picture of the kiwi that we saw in kauri class it was exiting it was my first time seeing a kiwi but maybe not for some people because it was
Monday, February 24, 2020
how to play dice champs
or times the number by 10 depends on what you want to choose and the first person to say it wins that battle but if you don't win the other person rolls the dice.